"I was tired of hating my body."


Do you want to discover a lifestyle change?

RESULTS INCLUDE: more confidence, a leaner body and toned physique.






How to Annihilate Your Fitness Goals Masterclass

Are you are tired of trying to lose the same 10, 20, or 30 pounds year after year? Do you continuously make health and fitness New Year’s resolutions that you NEVER keep?

This masterclass is for you! You will discover...

  • what is stopping you from reaching your goals,
  • how to go beyond setting SMART goals and discover the steps to take to annihilate your fitness goals,
  • the one SIMPLE thing you can do to make you 42% more likely to achieve your goals, and
  • How to “Quit-Proof” your goals, so you finally create the body and life you deserve.


  • Beauty is a Beast (Bundle)

    Physical Book (mailed to you) BONUS! Digital Book (available now)
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    USD $9.99


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Hi, I'm Jasmine Mays...

I am a recovered emotional eater, food addict, turned Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach.

I want to get to know you and I am pumped to help you reach your fitness goals.

Back in the day, I would stand in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at myself, and uncontrollably cry because I hated my body. 

I’ve always loved fashion, clothing, and makeup and wanted to wear the latest and greatest trends…because I wanted to be fly!

But on shopping trips, I would search for cute outfits and NOTHING would fit.

This experience led me to feel sad & uncomfortable.

I fricken hated my body!

And those dang girdles and body shapers were so flipping uncomfortable, I could barely breathe.

The worst part of these shopping trips was, seeing all the other women come out of the fitting room looking so confident, happy, and carefree, and although I was smiling on the outside, I was dying on the inside.

Have you ever felt this way?

I have worked with countless women and girls who have had the same experience and the one thing we all had in common was that we all wanted to be invisible.

If there is one thing worse than hating your body, it’s wanting to be invisible!


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Walking down the hallway at work and not making eye contact with anyone walking towards you.

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Knowing the answer to a question in class, but not raising your hand, so no one will notice you.

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Being in a meeting at work and having a brilliant idea, but not speaking up, so that the attention won’t shift to you.

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Refusing to stand up in a public place when everyone else is seated, so your “problem areas” won’t be at their eye level.

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Not volunteering to take the lead on a project that you know you could rock, so you can remain unseen.


Like most of you, I have been there as well.

The worst part is, we use these singular experiences to write our internal story of WHO we are. Literally, we’ll say, “I’m not pretty. I’m not smart. I could never be as confident as [that girl].”

All because of the way we feel about our bodies.

And of course, these statements are complete lies...being pretty, smart, and confident has nothing to do with the number on the scale, but everything to do with how we think and feel about ourselves.

How I became a Food Addict

As I told you before, I was an emotional eater who became a food addict. For me, this started at the tender age of five.

Like many girls, I grew up in a fatherless home. My dad became a cocaine addict, and my mom gave him an ultimatum…

Us or the drugs. He chose the drugs.

It was devastating for me because he had been my best friend, literally the best dad a little girl could ask for.

We went on playdates, had late-night races in the park, watched Beauty and the Beast, played Barbies, stopped for corn dogs after school, and wrote funny songs together. He was my BEST friend.

And suddenly, he was gone.

I didn’t understand it.

I couldn’t comprehend it.

He wasn’t gone because he had died. He was gone because he just didn’t choose me.

That was gut-wrenching.

And it was the end of my world.

My mom was trying to navigate the unexpected, exhausting world of being a newly single parent. She was now earning a single income but still had double-income family expenses and caring for her mentally ill mom, who lived with us.

Besides trying to recover from the emotional devastation of the loss of her marriage, her priority was to do everything she could to make sure we financially survived.

So that left me to myself…

Little five-year-old Jasmine…

Alone, abandon, broken, and unsure how to cope.

And then, I discovered food.

When I ate, everything seemed better.
Food never disappointed me.
Food never left me.
Food never abandoned me.
I felt good when I ate.
The pain disappeared when I ate.
I was happy when I ate.

So, I ate…
And ate,
And ate,
And ate some more.

And before I knew it, I was eating a double-cheeseburger, large fries, and drinking a large soda for lunch, EVERY DAY.

I ate 2-3 TV dinners at a time and stood in front of the microwave crying if they took too long to heat up.

I could eat a family-size bag of Doritos in one sitting, 3-4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at once, and a box of Twinkies on my own.

I buried my emotions in food and used eating to numb the pain.

Suddenly, out of the blue, I woke up out of my self-induced food coma, extremely overweight and unsure how I had even gotten there, but what I did know was that I hated what I had done to my body.

Why did I do this to myself?
My body will never be “normal.”
I will always have these rolls, loose skin, and stretch marks.

The only way I knew how to cope with that pain, disappointment, and devastation was by EATING and eating, and eating some more, resulting in more weight gain, more body hate, more eating, more weight gain, more body hate, dieting, failure, more body hate, more eating, more weight gain, and on and on.

Sounds familiar, right?

Maybe you aren’t an emotional eater or food addict, but you wake up one day, look in the mirror and realize you have gained 20, 40, 70, 100 pounds, and you hate what you see staring back at you.


What can you do?

There are tons of diets, weight loss programs, and gimmicks out there. The Low-Carb Diet, The High-Fat Diet, The Only Eat these Frozen Boxed Meals Diet, and you can't forget the diet pills, lasers, and shots that claim to shrink your fat cells or those magical body wraps that supposedly make you thinner.


But do they really make you feel better about your body?

Oh, sure, they might work for a while. You start to see some results and feel better about yourself, but then you get tired of not being able to eat a piece of bread, or you start to hate the taste of the meal replacement shake you have been drinking every day for a year.

A week, 3 months, 6 months, a year down the road, you're back to the same old body-hating, self-loathing, wanting to be invisible square one.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

After traveling down this painful and ugly road for years, I identified a few simple beliefs holding me back…

…and some key insights that completely changed how I addressed coping with my emotions and hating my body (I'll tell you about those a little bit further down this page).

The point is, I slowly and painfully crawled out of that space and became a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach with actual clients!


I still can’t believe it sometimes – because while you see me now as a lean, fit, strong, confident, fat-shredding, beast-making machine…


I still remember those moments where I broke down crying because I hated the way I looked.

But there is one thing that made all the difference for me…moving my body.

This is the truth nobody tells you.

When you exercise, your body releases endocannabinoids — chemicals that are naturally produced in your body and can reduce anxiety and promote calmness.

In fact, our bodies have an entire endocannabinoid system that affects our mood, pain levels (as in helping to lower them), and even our central and peripheral nervous systems.

Emotionally, you will feel calmer, more content, and centered after a good workout.

When you face emotional turmoil, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to work out. Not to lose weight or punish yourself but to promote balance, relaxation and release those emotions in a healthy and helpful way.

Think about how amazing you feel after dancing to your favorite Beyonce’ album for 30 mins…you feel like a flipping GODDESS.

You feel unstoppable, powerful, strong, and like you can TAKE ON THE WORLD! (Cue Beyonce’s “Runs The World (Girls).”)

The problem that seemed like an unscalable mountain before the workout seems like a pebble you can kick across the street after a workout.

What if, instead of using food to cope with emotional chaos, you worked out? How would that not only positively affect your emotional state but also your physical wellbeing?

Now, think about this truth:

Body hate is real, but exercising is one of the BEST things you can do to show your body that you love and support it.

Because, frankly, your body is a miracle!

It deserves your care and respect because it works so hard to support you each and every day.

Working out creates BODY POSITIVITY, which basically means loving your body right now, at this very minute – without any ifs, ands, or buts, regardless of your dress size or the number on the scale.

When you exercise regularly, your body just plain FEELS and FUNCTIONS better from the inside out.

Here are some of the many benefits of exercising:

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A longer life because you are less likely to die early from chronic disease.

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Less risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cancers (including colon, breast, lung, and uterine).

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Better mood, less stress and anxiety, and improved mental health.

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Improved brain health (both the structure AND how it functions).

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Stronger bones and muscles.

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Better sleep quality and quantity.

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More satisfying sex life.

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Lower risk of falling down.

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Improved weight control.

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Easier time quitting smoking.

Doesn’t your amazing body deserve all that!? (ANSWER: Yes, it does!)

But maybe these “NO’s” are holding you back.

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No, I Don't Have The Energy To Workout ... I AM TOO TIRED.

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No, I will never be able to do THAT exercise ... I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH.

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No, I don’t have TIME to work out ... I AM TOO BUSY.

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These limiting beliefs are keeping you in body hate and causing you to keep putting off your dang workout!

Isn’t it funny how much we are willing to sacrifice to improve our finances, increase our credit score, get a better education, advance our career, get a new car and even buy the latest and greatest tech toy...but we aren’t willing to make sacrifices to improve the relationship with our bodies?

We don’t want to admit it, but our body hate comes from stuff we are doing to ourselves.

“When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits–anything that kept me small. My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving.”

—Kim McMillen

When I stopped putting off my dang workout...

  • I took back my power.
  • I shut down the lie that I needed food to feel good.
  • I shut down the lies that I could never be fit or be healthy.
  • I stop believing the lie that I wasn’t good enough, strong enough, worthy enough to take care of myself.
  • I stopped believing that I could never love what I saw in the mirror.
  • I stopped laying down under the weight of emotional eating.
  • I stood up for me.

And now I want to teach you how to do it, too, because showing you how to love your body love through exercise is one of the greatest single advantages I can give you.



A step-by-step guide to help you stop putting off your dang workouts and help you blaze a clear path to loving what your body.

With this interactive book…

  • You'll decide who you want to see staring back at you in the mirror.
  • You'll clarify how you want to feel about yourself and WHY.
  • You’ll eradicate the limiting beliefs holding you back.
  • You'll learn how to shut off negative self-talk and positively fight forward.
  • You'll identify potential roadblocks and remove them NOW.
  • You’ll create a roadmap to channel your emotions in a positive way.
  • You'll start saying YES to prioritizing yourself and your goals.

And so much more.

You’ll find golden nuggets that will instantly change the way you approach working out.

This guide will supercharge your life, help you make unbeatable progress, feel strong, confident, happy, and radiant everywhere you go.


No matter whether your goal is to lose weight or just feel better in your own skin, this book will help you stop putting off your dang workout and take charge of your life, so you start being healthier and happier!

Make exercise a top priority and you'll see:

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How to go from “I can’t do this” to “I WILL do this” every time.

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Discover your “WHY” and eradicate the one mistake people make that’s destroying their ability to get fit.

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You’ll learn how to boost your energy levels with a simple mental trick that’ll instantly activate an energy zone in your brain … and get you to work out twice as hard!

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The truth behind getting motivated to work out. Even if you’ve got a million other things going on, you’ll become a powerhouse woman who stays motivated to work out, despite what’s going on in your life.

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A clear roadmap on how to set your goals and pursue them relentlessly. There are no shortcuts… I’ll show you how to unleash your willpower.

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Find the secrets of how thinking about the future can help you become a beast, not only during your workouts but also during your personal life. (This is something most women want to know… and you’ll get it fast).

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A detailed explanation of which exercises you must do to achieve maximum power and strength … while becoming a fat-shredding machine in the process.

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You’ll learn how to boost your energy levels with a simple mental trick that’ll instantly activate an energy zone in your brain … and get you to work out twice as hard!

This book will walk you step by step and help you unleash your inner BEAST BABE!


This book is jam-packed with golden nuggets that will help you create a LONG-TERM lifestyle change.

So, if you’ve been telling yourself that you need to start making some significant health and fitness changes, this book is for you.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll get:

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Seven myth-busting SECRETS on how you can build an “I can do this” mentality even if you’re overworked, constantly sick, and can’t find time for your life.

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Reasons why you must FOCUS only on today if you want to unleash your full potential and become the woman you want to be.

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The TEN STEPS to becoming a beast… and how you can build earth-shattering confidence to achieve your goals by eliminating those obstacles that hold you back.

Plus, you’ll get the mental training you need to see how I set goals and achieved them while facing unexpected obstacles.

And there’s more…

I also have some FREE advice in store for you… that will help you lose weight and KEEP IT OFF, just like I did…

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You will get my 14-Day Workout Plan, where I will walk you through exactly what exercises and workouts to do to start safely and effectively moving your body.



Don't wait to get started! As soon as we receive your order, you will receive a digital copy of your Step By Step Guide to Stop Putting Off Your Dang Workout so that you can START GETTING RESULTS NOW!



Not sure how to perform the moves in the workouts? Don't worry! I will show you EXACTLY how to correctly execute the exercises to stay safe and feel strong.


How my story ended... 

I lost 70 pounds during my journey to self-love, and I have kept that weight off for 13+ years.

No, my body is not what society calls "perfect."

I have stretch marks, excess skin, saggy boobs, and left-over rolls that I will probably have forever, but I also have confidence, resilience, strength, and a level of fitness I never dreamed possible.

For the first time ever, I love who I see in the mirror.

  • I hold my head high when I walk down a hallway.
  • I look people in the eye, when I speak to them.
  • I smile at everyone I meet.

I am finally the woman that I always wanted to be.

It all started with the exact strategies I'll show you in this book.

This book is all about making a lifestyle change. After reading it, you’ll never be the same woman again.

Yes, it’s absolutely free… and you’ll wish you had found it sooner!

Can this book help you take back your power and start feeling good in your own skin?




"I never dreamt of the possibility that I could be this fit. More than just my appearance but also my mindset that I deserve it. Even after the gastric bypass, my level of success didn't reach this high.

I have exceeded my own expectations, and I have a new attitude! Thank you, Jasmine!"

-Pelver J.

3 DJ Jones

“I don't feel fat anymore. I don't lose my breath tying my shoes, I can move freely and not feel trapped in my body.

I created a tomb for me to live in. I've lost weight before. I've been my goal weight in the past, but I didn't learn to love my body. I calorie counted, carb deprived, had surgery, and literally abused my body.

Jasmine Mays has taught me to fuel and love my body. To give it a chance to thrive."

-Danielle J.


"I feel so much more energetic, healthy, comfortable, and confident.

I Didn’t think at my age, and after 4 children I would be able to lose the weight, but I did!

You are worth the time and effort to make yourself even better."

-Amanda S.


"I was always the person who put off getting into the gym. Weight loss has been on my New Year's resolution forever.

Last year I finally decided to act on it, and it was the best decision that I made! I’ve tried all the diet fads, and while they worked, they never stuck.

Thank you so much, Jasmine Mays, and your wonderful team. I’m so excited to continue this journey with you!"

-Nicole P.


"I was desperate to lose my baby weight. I had lost myself in becoming a mother, but I wasn't sure how to get started.

Jasmine's program was a game-changer and allowed me to drop all of my baby weight and begin to see how strong I really am."

-Charlene C.


“Love my Coach, Jasmine Mays!! I’m still in shock over the results! My life changed more than the numbers on the scale!

My cholesterol went from 201 to 189, I no longer need a CPAP machine, and my A1C dropped!!

-Toni A.

FE4F6AD9-F06F-4B91-AB0A-C208621E489F - Mary Beth Yockey

"I feel healthier, stronger, more energetic, and self-confident!

Adding weight training to my fitness routine made all the difference in the world.

For the first time ever, I have definition in my arms, legs, and abs."

-Mary Beth C.


"I had settled on being heavy. I didn’t think I could be fit and skinny again.

But, I am back to my best self...confident in myself both physically and mentally."


-Michelle Y.


“I had lost myself in the hustle and bustle of being a mom and didn't even recognize who I saw in the mirror anymore.

-Toni A.

Do these women seem any different than you? NO!

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They wanted to be invisible.

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They hated what they saw in the mirror.

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They had resolved that they were stuck with a body they didn't like

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